Smarter transport planning with Opter

Discover how modern transportation companies digitizes order management, transport planning, communication and administration.

New orders are handled quickly and securely

With Opter, it is easy to receive a new order, regardless of whether the booking is made by phone, customer web portal or EDI file. The order is registered and administered digitally – from booking to invoicing.

Order management with Opter

Every order received is handled efficiently and securely with Opter. The order form is flexible and customisable. You control what information you obtain from the customer, regardless of whether you or the customer register the order in the system.

When a new order is registered, the invoicing process for the assignment is initiated at the same time. Based on addresses, distances, customer agreements and other parameters, a preliminary price is calculated for the customer during the actual booking. If subsequent changes are made – by the customer, the transport manager or the driver – they are reported in the system and the invoice is adjusted automatically. The invoice is ready to be sent as soon as the assignment has been completed.

Your sales reps can easily follow up orders, get statistics about what customers need and, not least, identify with which customers further sales activities are required.

Simpler transport management with real-time information

Opter makes it easy for transport managers to make the right decision. Inquiries from customers are handled smoothly, and vehicles are always utilised in the best possible way.

Transport management with Opter

Ongoing assignments and available resources are displayed in real time, which helps the transport manager plan more journeys in less time, make maximum use of the available vehicles and increase customer satisfaction.

Contact between the transport manager, driver, carrier and subcontractors is handled easily. The driver receives the information via an app on their phone or PDA, and can easily report the current status and register changes and receipts. Nothing is forgotten, there are no missed calls, the invoicing documentation is correct and there is more time for new assignments.

A complete overview with the driver app

The Opter driver app ensures that the driver always has the right information, and communication with both the customer and the transport management is easy to manage. Being a driver becomes easier, safer and more enjoyable.

Mobile communication with Opter

Drivers who have all the necessary information are also able to take full responsibility. The initiation time required for new assignments is minimised, and the required information is all waiting in the driver app already.

The customer and the transport manager continually receive information in real time. Changes to key parameters can easily be registered, and the invoice documentation is adjusted automatically. Convenient digital signatures, camera and navigation are naturally also included.

Completed assignments are invoiced correctly without any delay

Opter ensures that invoices are correct and administration is minimal. The invoice is started when the booking is made, adjusted during the transport process and sent off after delivery.

Invoicing and pricing with Opter

Every order that is registered creates an initiated invoice. If the order changes, for example if the stated weight of the goods is incorrect, the new information is noted and the price stated on the invoice updated automatically. Once the delivery has been completed, the invoice is also ready to go.

Opter provides an overview of which customers have paid their invoices and which need to be reminded. Administration procedures for contracted carriers and subcontractors are equally convenient.

Customer certainty and satisfaction from booking to POD

Opter helps you offer better service. Customers always have access to their current transport information via EDI solutions or the customer web portal.

Opter customer web portal and EDI

Up-to-date information about assignments, quality and statistics is important for your customers. With a dedicated customer web portal, your customers can easily book transport; view prices, shipping notes, order history and invoices; track their deliveries with track-and-trace and see proof of delivery documents (POD) and signatures. Your communication with them becomes easier, clearer and faster – particularly with the help of automated notifications via email or SMS.

As a result of EDI integration, bookings and changes are communicated fully automatically between your own system and your transport buyer’s system. Less manual work frees up time, and at the same time everyone also has access to fast and accurate information.

Opter quite simply strengthens relationships with established customers and frees up time to attract new ones.